Finding the Calm | Kate Dalton + Mayde Tea
I started Mayde Tea when I couldn’t find a product I was searching for. I was looking for herbal tea to help with my own health issues, digestive and nervous system imbalances. I wanted something organic, handmade, formulated by a qualified naturopath/herbalist, so that it was medicinal, and to be in functional and eco-friendly packaging. It was surprisingly hard to find! So, I made it myself while I was studying at Uni. By the time I graduated I was working full time on Mayde Tea, and it’s been the best little unexpected life change ever!

My morning routine: Every morning I wake up to the most adorable sound of Alfie chatting away in her cot. I get up, feed her, and then Ryan spends some time with Alfie while I meditate for 20 minutes. Next, I have a huge glass of filtered water, an Energise tea and a big brekky to start the day.
My days change a lot. I make sure I move my body somehow and get out in nature, the lighthouse walk in Byron Bay or a surf (if baby daddy isn’t at work!). I work on Mayde Tea while Alfie sleeps, and spend a LOT of time staring at her adorable face.
Being summer here in Australia, I always make a 1L bottle of an iced tea that I drink throughout the day. At the moment I’m drinking our Nursing blend.
Winding Down:
I’ve always naturally created a calming space and had a set of night-time rituals before bed. I experienced pregnancy insomnia, so when I was pregnant, I was working on how to support my nervous system and hormones to allow myself to be able to sleep well at night. Serenity tea is the perfect pre-slumber beverage for a restful night’s sleep.
To allow my body to wind-down at the end of the day, I avoid bright lights and screens after 6pm. Keeping the lights dim after the sun has gone down teaches your body to convert serotonin to melatonin (your sleep hormone) —bright lights confuse this conversion.
After Alfie's bath, we take her to her room and give her a light massage with a natural oil blend and read her a book. Then we have a cuddle and feed and she’s off to bed.
We try not to get too caught up in ‘parenting and sleeping techniques' and just do with her what we personally like, in terms of night-time rituals.
Website maydetea.com
Instagram @MaydeTea